Collection: Discmania Italian C-Line Metal Flake MD5 Midrange with European Open 2023 Prototype | Nokia, Finland Stamp - Speed 5

The MD5 is back in the new Italian C-Line Metal Flake plastic! This stunning disc is as comfortable, practical, and durable for all skill levels. The extra stability is great for any wind condition or throwing style.

Mold: The Discmania MD5 Midrange -- Speed: 5 | Glide: 3 | Turn: 0 | Fade: 4
See all MD5s
The MD5 is our most overstable midrange designed to give the trustworthy stable fade that players are looking for. Great for powerful hyzer lines, dependable flicks, and designed for optimal flight. This midrange has a beaded, low profile shape that allows it to feel comfortable in the hand and release smooth on every throw.

Plastic: Italian C-Line Metal Flake - See all Italian C-Line Metal Flake Discs

The C-line plastic blend was designed to exceed the expectations of even our most demanding customers. This isn’t the C-Line of the past, it isn’t our Neo blend from the Evolution line, or any other premium plastic there is. This is ours and there is nothing else like it. The end result is a stunning blend that produces unmatched grip, flight performance, and great durability.

Stamp: European Open 2023 Prototype | Nokia, Finland

Who will be crowned the 2023 European Open Champion in Nokia, Finland? We're not sure yet, but that didn't stop Discmania from releasing this clean and eye-catching event stamp!

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